Thursday, March 10

Shawville Tragedy, part 3 (Tabloid Thursday)

Tabloid Thursday: Where yesterday's news is today...

I wanted a weekly feature where I could showcase articles, those lovely little social news items (i.e. "Mrs. X and daughter visited Mrs. Y this weekend and will be returning home on Thursday..."), and other interesting newspaper "stuff" I've come across in the course of my research.  Thus, Tabloid Thursday...


Source: "The [Montreal] Gazette", Wednesday, 25 September 1907, p. 2, column 7.
Accessed at Google News archive, 26 February 2011.

[click to enlarge]

John McTiernan Was Held in Connection With Death of His Brother.

      Bryson, Que., September 24--(Special).--John McTiernan, arrested August 22 last, in connection with the tragic death of his brother on the wayside, about a mile and a half from here, died in his cell this afternoon at 4 o'clock from natural causes. Deceased had been committed for trial and spent most time lying on his cot in his cell. He took a serious turn on Saturday, and it was thought this morning that he would not recover. His brother, Robert, was with him when he passed away, but the dying man was unconscious when he arrivel[sic], and did not recognize him. He was attended by the jail physician.